Tam valley and rocrail
Tam valley and rocrail


You can subscribe to the RSS feed and your get a link that will update when a new blog added. My Blog - Articles about the model railroad, model railroading and other layouts I found of interest - updated weekly.Photo Gallery - Pictures of the model railroad including Construction photos and videos of the layout.

tam valley and rocrail

  • Trackplan - The trackplan of the layout including a photo tour of the entire model railroad from Sausalito to Ogden.
  • Nevada County Narrow Gauge #9 at Long Ravine If you wish to comment, you can email me at dmcree (at) tamvalleyrr dot com. Model railroading has been a hobby of mine for over 30 years. The layout is built, owned and operated by me, Duncan McRee, and I live in San Diego. I mix times up as I wish, modeling 3 dimensions is plenty, I have left the 4th one indeterminate on the TVRR. The roster consists almost exclusively of surplus Southern Pacific equipment from with some other western roads and some old logging locomotives.

    tam valley and rocrail tam valley and rocrail

    The route starts at Tamalpais Valley, continues through the Central Valley, over the High Sierras, across the Nevada desert to terminate at Ogden with branches to Sausalito and Mill Valley. The Tam Valley RR is a point-to-point HO model railroad that wanders through the bedrooms of our house and is roughly based on the real Southern Pacific with a lot of modeler's license. Be sure to visit the gallery page for lots of photos of the layout. Welcome to the Tamalpais Valley Railroad website.

    Tam valley and rocrail